Cosmetic Surgery: Tips for Looking Younger and Feeling Refreshed
Dr. Charles Runels
Artemis Laser & Vein Center, Dublin
- Vampire facelift: Using PRP (platelet-rich plasma) in conjunction with an HA (hyaluronic acid) filler such as Juvederm will give you a more youthful and attractive shape and smoother texture, and will increase blood flow, which will even skin tone and give you a glowing appearance.
- O-shot: Using this same technology, the O-Shot ® procedure works by using PRP to stimulate stem cells to grow healthier tissue. This helps with urinary incontinence and natural lubrication, and increases sexual response. And the whole procedure for processing the blood and injecting the growth factors takes less than 10 minutes in our office!
- Laser resurfacing: Research shows if you receive laser resurfacing of the face, you will see an improved effect and faster healing time if PRP is immediately applied after the procedure. It can be applied topically because the laser opens up passageways for the PRP to leak through.
Dermatology: Skin Care Tips
Dr. Mary Beth Luca
Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery of Dublin
- The incidence of malignant melanoma continues to rise worldwide. Early detection is key to survival. See your dermatologist once a year for a complete skin examination. Perform monthly skin self-examinations. When performing a skin self-examination, look for a mole that may be changing in size, shape or color. If a mole becomes pink or itchy, that may be of concern as well.
- Protect your skin from ultraviolet light exposure (sun and tanning beds). Apply sunscreen (SPF 30) 30 minutes before sun exposure and reapply every 90 minutes or just after swimming.
- Studies show generous application of a moisturizer is very effective in minimizing the fine lines of aging. Application of glycolic acids and tretinoin cream can help reverse superficial wrinkling.
Allergy: Allergy Tips
Drs. Joseph Bullock, Michael Franz, Don McNeil, Deborah Ortega-Carr, Grace Ryu, Philip Rancitelli and Jennifer Bullock
Midwest Allergy, northwest Columbus
- If you have experienced daily asthma symptoms or a life-threatening asthma attack, or are resistant to standard asthma treatment, you should see an allergist. Allergies account for one of the top three factors that can cause difficulty in controlling asthma. This is one of the top recommendations made by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
- With health care and medication costs rising, consider allergy shots (immunotherapy) to improve your quality of life and decrease health care costs. It is estimated that allergy shots can reduce cost by as much as 41 percent.
- Environmental control measures are important. Keep windows closed and use air conditioning, use dust mite proof encasings on mattresses and pillows, wash sheets in hot water (greater than 130 degrees Fahrenheit) weekly, and keep humidity levels low in your home (less than 50 percent) to decrease dust mite and mold levels.
Gynecology: Pregnancy Tips
Dr. Akas Jain
Reproductive Gynecology Inc., Westerville
- Start trying early: Statistically, getting pregnant is not easy – even couples under age 38 who have no known fertility problems only have a 15-20 percent of conceiving in any given month, but 70-80 percent should achieve a pregnancy within six months. A woman’s age is the single most important factor in reproductive success, so it is recommended couples begin trying as soon as their lifestyle permits. Couples should not delay speaking with their health care provider about any difficulties conceiving so as to ensure a prompt diagnosis can be established and treatment can begin in a timely fashion. While much of testing and treatment focuses around the female patient, about 40 percent of infertile couples are affected by male infertility. It is recommended that a couple seek consultation after one year of unprotected intercourse fails to achieve a pregnancy, and women over 35 years of age should not wait beyond six months to see a care provider.
- Optimize health and nutrition: Women planning pregnancy should obviously avoid smoking and limit their intake of alcohol (fewer than two drinks per day) and caffeine (no more than two cups per day). Being too thin or too heavy can affect hormone levels and adversely affect ovulation. While sperm production is more resilient, male obesity is associated with impaired fertility. An improved diet and moderate exercise can help couples not only conceive, but also decrease the risk of miscarriage.
- Overrating stress: It can be disheartening to find unpredictable obstacles that may prevent a couple from growing their family. While women in particular are often told that stress causes infertility, there is no research to support this claim. Excessive amounts of stress may affect ovulation in certain conditions, but routine stress should not be a reason a woman cannot conceive. Often, it is the infertility that can cause the stress, not stress causing infertility. Starting the discussion or consulting with an expert is often the first step to overcoming these obstacles.
Dentistry: Tooth Care Tips
Drs. Shayer Shah, Brooke Fox, Michael Willmann, Lori Cronin and Melissa Baker
The Gentle Dentist, Worthington
- If you follow the original “Dr. Coulman NO CAVITY” guarantee, you will never have another cavity again. The recipe is: Brush for at least two minutes, morning and night. Floss at least once per day. Rinse with Listerine in the morning. Rinse with ACT fluoride rinse at night and do not eat or drink after.
- Sugar intake on its own does not necessarily cause cavities. It is the frequency of exposure to foods – e.g., grazing all day – that leads to tooth decay. Eat at meals only and drink water after meals to cleanse your mouth.
- Dental veneers can provide “instant orthodontics” for many people in two visits. Veneers can change the color of your teeth and the overall appearance of your smile, making crooked teeth look straight.
Orthopedics: Post-Operative Recovery Tips
Dr. Jason Hurst
Joint Implant Surgeons Inc., New Albany
- Observe a well-balanced diet.
- Stay as active as possible while still adhering to post-operative restrictions.
- Limit the use of narcotic pain medication to the lowest amount necessary to control your post-operative discomfort.
Oncology: Cervical Cancer Prevention Tips
Dr. Ritu Salani
The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Screenings: Cervical cancer is one of just a few cancers with a pre-cancerous state. Screening for cervical cancer with the Pap test, which involves taking a small sample of cells from the cervix, has been very effective in preventing cervical cancer or catching it early, when it is very treatable – even curable. Testing should begin at age 21 and, after age 30, women may also be evaluated with HPV (human papillomavirus) testing. When results are normal, testing can be done every three to five years.
- HPV link: The No. 1 risk factor for cervical cancer is HPV. It is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the United States and almost every sexually active person will acquire HPV at some point in their lives – even if they have only had one or two sexual partners throughout their lives. The vaccine has been shown to be very effective in reducing the number of pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions. The series of vaccinations can be given to boys and girls ages 9 to 26.
- Reducing your risk: In order to reduce your risk of developing cervical cancer, you can do the following things: stay up-to-date on your Pap tests, get the HPV vaccine (if applicable) and quit smoking.