In 2013, Kevin Kwan took the world by storm with Crazy Rich Asians, and on May 21, he released his newest romantic comedy, Lies and Weddings. This romantic comedy follows Rufus Leung Gresham, the future Earl of Greshambury, who finds himself in crippling debt after decades of wasteful spending from his family. Luckily, his sister is soon to be married at a luxurious resort filled with wealthy guests, and Gresham has been tasked to find a wife at this wedding who can fix his family’s financial turmoil. Will he pick royalty, a wealthy investor or the girl next door? Journey to Hawaii and experience a wedding full of lies, love and secrets in this thrilling summer read.
Donut worry about how you’ll be soothing your sweet tooth this weekend – we’ve got you covered. This Friday, June 7, is National Donut Day, and there are plenty of deals to help you celebrate. Craving a drink to wash down your breakfast? Stop by your local Dunkin’ for a free donut with the purchase of any beverage. Cinnamon lovers can head to Duck Donuts and enjoy a free cinnamon sugar donut free of additional purchases. Krispy Kreme is also offering a free donut at any location, and for those buying for the group, you can also purchase a $2 original glazed dozen with the purchase of any dozen in stores. Looking to celebrate the holiday with a local pastry? The Goodie Shop, Buckeye Donuts, Resch’s Bakery and DK Diner are just a few of the many delicious local shops to consider when planning for your holiday feast.
Netflix is back with perhaps the most original of its Netflix Original shows. This miniseries centers around Vincent (Benedict Cumberbatch), a father riddled with grief after his son goes missing. Vincent is the head puppeteer and creator of a children’s television show, and amid his distress, he becomes attached to his son’s drawings of a blue monster puppet named Eric. Vincent is sure that if he can bring Eric to life on screen, his son will be brought home. Vincent embarks on a journey to find his son with the help of a 7-foot-tall monster, and in his journey to bring this fictional character to life, he will uncover very real truths about his own monsters.
Don't miss out on what's happening this weekend! Read the rest of WeekendScene.
Megan Brokamp is a contributing writer at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at