Chain-Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah is a gripping insight of America's private prison industry, unfolding within the controversial CAPE (Criminal Action Penal Entertainment) program. Loretta Thurwar and Hamara "Hurricane Staxxx" Stacker, prisoners competing for freedom, take center stage, symbolizing the broader issues of systemic injustice. The novel deftly weaves individual narratives, revealing the disturbing alliance of racism, capitalism and mass incarceration. Through a new American voice, the book challenges readers to confront uncomfortable truths about the criminal justice system, making it a compelling and timely exploration.
Part of the “Good Night Bars,” Cobra is an Asian-American neighborhood bar that combines Asian-American food and drink, with a laid-back nightlife style. Located at 684 S. High St., visitors can enjoy a full menu of noodle options, tavern style burgers and “steak on a plate” selections. If you decide to snack later in the evening, Cobra’s late-night menu allows visitors to still order favorite dishes from Midnight - 1:45 a.m. With drinks ranging from sake to non-alcoholic mocktails, take the edge of and indulge in good food at Cobra.
Since 1982, The Color Purple has captivated the world with an intense and provoking coming-of-age story brought from a woman living in Georgia in the 1900s. Now, director Blitz Bazawule will reimagine the iconic story in musical form, basing it on the Broadway musical that took stage in 2005. The Color Purple follows protagonist Celie's decades-spanning journey of love, resilience and independence. Despite facing numerous hardships, she discovers extraordinary strength within herself. The narrative explores Celie's quest for independence, breaking free from societal expectations and the role sisterhood has played in her growth. Celie's story ultimately becomes one of empowerment, illustrating the human spirit and the triumph over adversity.
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Ainsley Allen is an editorial assistant at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at