Hello Beautiful tells the story of William Waters, a boy who escapes a troubled childhood through a basketball scholarship. At college he meets Julia Padavano, a spirited young woman, and becomes entwined with her close-knit family, including her three sisters. Despite a happy partnership, William's dark past resurfaces, causing a rift that threatens Julia's plans and the sisters' unwavering loyalty. The novel explores whether deep-rooted loyalty can bring them back together in times of need and paints a portrait of love that embraces individuals for who they are. A homage to Louisa May Alcott’s timeless classic, Little Women, the novel shows what’s possible when we choose to love someone not in spite of who they are, but because of it.
Set in the North Market at Bridge Park, Pablo’s Havana Café offers a delectable selection of homemade Cuban cuisine. The restaurant serves family recipes passed down through five generations and cooked with classic love. From appetizers to sandwiches and burrito bowls, there’s much to choose from in this Cuban café. These authentic flavors and tasty dishes will make anyone’s taste buds happy and have them coming back for more.
Get into the holiday spirit with this comedy adventure starring Eddie Murphy. The film Candy Cane Lane follows family man Chris as he embarks on a quest to win his neighborhood's annual Christmas home decoration contest. However, things take an unexpected turn when Chris unintentionally strikes a deal with a mischievous elf named Pepper. In an attempt to enhance his chances of winning, Pepper casts a magic spell that brings the 12 Days of Christmas to life, causing chaos in the entire town. Now Chris, along with his wife Carol and their three children, must race against time to break Pepper's spell, confront magically tricky characters and save Christmas for everyone.
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Ainsley Allen is an editorial assistant at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at