"The Worker" by Rodrigo Valenzuela
Gallery Exhibits: September/October 2015
Dublin Arts Council: Eddie Adams: Vietnam through Sept. 11. Alfred Tibor: Hatred Doesn’t Work from Sept. 22-Dec. 18. www.dublinarts.org
David Myers Art Studio & Gallery: Transformation by Brian Morrissey, Sidney Shaffner and Laura Emler through Sept. 18. Artists of Parkside Village from Sept. 26-Oct. 15. www.davidmyersart.com
Hammond Harkins Galleries: Summer Selections Featuring Pamela Workman through Sept. 19. White Noise: New Works by Laura Alexander and Andrea Myers from Oct. 1-Nov. 8 at the new gallery space in the Short North. www.hammondharkins.com
Ohio Wesleyan University Ross Museum of Art: Howard Little: Coming Home and Eric Nation: On and Off the Wall through Sept. 23. Oil Paintings by Todd Gordon and Watercolors by Paul Ching-Bor from Oct. 1-Nov. 13. ross.owu.edu
Glass Axis: Work by Toledo glass artist Ian Schmidt through Sept. 26. www.glassaxis.org
Sherrie Gallerie: Calvin Ma: Contemporary Ceramics through Sept. 29. Clay animal motifs by Joe Bova from Oct. 2-Nov. 8. www.sherriegallerie.com
The Ohio State University Faculty Club: Plein air oil paintings, monotypes and printmaking by Edie Dean from Sept. 1-Oct. 30. www.ohio-statefacultyclub.com
Cultural Arts Center: In Close Proximity – work by Goodwill Industries instructors Cody Miller, Deborah Griffing, Kate Gorman and Kristen Spickard – from Sept. 4-Oct. 3. The Hero Within – Imagination and Identity, an effort by ARC Industries artists to turn the gallery into a gigantic game board, from Oct. 9-Nov. 11. www.culturalartscenteronline.org
Brandt-Roberts Galleries: Cityscapes by Christopher Burk and glasswork from Jacci Delaney from Sept. 4-27. www.brandtrobertsgalleries.com
Gallery 22: Wild Horses: Capturing the Spirit of an American Icon from Sept. 4-Oct. 24. www.gallery22.net
ROY G BIV Gallery: Work by Blake Turner and Rodrigo Valenzuela from Sept. 5-26. Work by Jessika Edgar and Leonard Suryajaya from Oct. 3–31. www.roygbivgallery.org
Ohio Art League: Fall Juried Exhibition at Ft. Hayes Shot Tower Gallery from Sept. 7-Oct. 15. www.oal.org
Hayley Gallery: Three Perspectives featuring work by Nicole Vanover, Jessica Wojtasek and Tracy Greenwalt from Sept. 12-Oct. 21. Brilliant Hues by Dalia Koppes from Oct. 24-Nov. 11. www.hayleygallery.com
Decorative Arts Center of Ohio: Early Visions of Ohio 1765-1865 – paintings, drawings, maps and other items depicting Ohio that were created between 1765 and 1865 – from Sept. 12-Dec. 31. www.decartsohio.org
Capital University Schumacher Gallery: Selected Works from the Schumacher Gallery’s Photography Collection from Sept. 14-Dec. 4. www.capital.edu/schumacher
Angela Meleca Gallery: Paintings by Dana Oldfather from Sept. 17-Oct. 31. www.angelamelecagallery.com
Keny Galleries: Conception and Reduction: Recent Landscapes by Eric Barth and Line and the Landscape: Recent Drawings by Mark Lincewicz from Sept. 18-Oct. 30. www.kenygalleries.com
Pizzuti Collection: Us Is Them – paintings, sculptures, photographs and video by 36 international artists whose work addresses social issues – from Sept. 18-April 2. www.pizzuticollection.org
Wexner Center for the Arts: After Picasso: 80 Contemporary Artists from Sept. 19-Dec. 27. www.wexarts.org
Otterbein University Fisher Gallery: Narratives & Storytelling: Ohio Art League’s 2nd Annual Student Juried Exhibition through Oct. 2. The Space Between: Kirk Mangus, Eva Kwong, and Art Inspired from Oct. 12-Dec. 29. www.otterbein.edu
Otterbein University Miller Gallery: Circuitous Routes: The Dresden Series, 1998-2015, a sabbatical exhibition by Nicholas Hill, through Oct. 9. Kirk Mangus: Things Love from Oct. 19-Dec. 11. www.otterbein.edu
Otterbein University Frank Museum of Art: Te Busco: Poetic and Visual Collaborations of Pablo Neruda, Nemesio Antúnez, and Roser Bru through Oct. 10. Eva Kwong: Love Between The Atoms from Oct. 21-Dec. 11. www.otterbein.edu
Arts Castle: An Equine Jubilee: Celebrating the Horse in Art through Oct. 16. www.artscastle.org
Ohio Arts Council’s Riffe Gallery: Flashback to Now: OAC Support for Individual Artists through Oct. 18. www.riffegallery.org
Concourse Gallery: Beyond Limbs & Leaves: Rekindling UA Ash through Oct. 23. www.uaoh.net
The Ohio State University Faculty Club: Repetitions and Variations, oil paintings and monotypes by Edith Loechler Dean, through Oct. 30. www.ohio-statefacultyclub.com
Columbus Museum of Art: Imperfections by Chance: Paul Feeley Retrospective, 1956-1966 from Oct. 25-Jan. 10. Keeping Pace: Eva Glimcher and Pace/Columbus from Oct. 25-Jan. 17. www.columbusmuseum.org
OSU Urban Arts Space: Open This End: Contemporary Art from the Collection of Blake Byrne through Nov. 7. uas.osu.edu