CS Gallery: April Open, a non-juried group exhibition, through April 9. Three-Way, a triptych exhibition, from April 13-23. www.cobenickstudios.com
The Works: Collaborative Communications, a project of emerging nonprofit organization Creative Culture, through April 13. www.attheworks.org
Ohio Arts Council’s Riffe Gallery: Ohio Art League Curated Exhibition, featuring a variety of seasoned and emerging artists, through April 14. Photography’s Back to the Future from May 6-July 7. www.riffegallery.org
Miller Gallery, Otterbein University Art and Communication Building: 16th Annual Juried Student Art Exhibitions through April 16. Senior Art Exhibitions, with a new exhibit presented by graduating art majors each week, April 8-May 17. www.otterbein.edu
King Arts Complex: Memories Pieced Together, works by local African-American female quilters, through April 13. Visual Voices: The African American Experience, works by 17 African-American artists from Dayton and the Miami Valley, from May 9-Aug. 23. www.kingartscomplex.com
Hammond Harkins Galleries: Contemporary Realism: Four Visions by Mark Bush, Erin Wozniak, Paul Hamilton and Sally Tharp through April 21. www.hammondharkins.com
Columbus Museum of Art: Songs for the New Millennium – 1812-2012 Works by Aminah Robinson Celebrating 200Columbus through April 21. Mark Rothko: The Decisive Decade, color-field paintings from the 1940s, through May 26. Ed Piskor’s Brain Rot, original artworks from the comics of graphic novelist Piskor, through June 2. Strings Attached: The Living Tradition of Czech Puppets through Aug. 25.
Capital University Schumacher Gallery: Elvis at 21: Photographs by Alfred Wertheimer, photographs capturing Presley’s road to fame as a 21-year-old in 1956, through April 27. www.capital.edu/schumacher
The Ohio State University Faculty Club: The Road Ahead, wood block prints by Eliana Calle-Saari, through April 28. Honest Paintings on Wood by Rick Borg from April 29-June 21. www.ohio-statefacultyclub.com
High Road Gallery: Featured Creatures: Fur, Feathers and More, art forms that celebrate animals, though April 27. Chris Leeper and his Students from May 1-25. www.highroadgallery.com
Studios on High Gallery: Art for Home & Garden, sculptures by Denise Romecki and paintings by Teda Theis, from April 1-31. The Potential of Pastel by pastel artist Sandy Reddig and polymer clay jeweler Jeanette Kandray from May 1-31. www.studiosonhigh.com
Ohio Art League: Innocence: In a Sense, a multisensory experience by four artists as well as children involved in the Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities, from April 4-27. Hambone’s Solution to Problems by Michael May from May 2-25. www.oal.org
Brandt-Roberts Galleries: City of Light: The Artistic Influence of Paris, scenes of Paris by several gallery artists as well as works from the early and mid-20th Century, from April 5-28. www.brandtrobertsgalleries.com
Lindsay Gallery: Woodcarvings by Stephen Sabo from April 5-May 25. www.lindsaygallery.com
Gallery 831: All Greek … to Me, mixed media by Mona Gazala and sculpture by Tom Kocheiser, from April 5-26. www.clayspace831.com
ROY G BIV Gallery: Works by Jaime Bennati and Liam O’Connor from April 6-27. Works by Nicole Crock and David King from May 4-25. www.roygbivgallery.org
German Village Society Meeting Haus: Different Looks, oil paintings on canvas by Paul Rowntree, from April 7-30. Of Paper and Page by Nancy Mulick and Janette Knowles from May 5-31. www.germanvillage.com
Dublin Arts Council: Subrural by Karen Snouffer, Jenn Figg and Matthew McCormack from April 7-June 7. www.dublinarts.org
Art Access Gallery: New work by Marty Kalb and Robert Robbins from April 10-May 11. Abstract paintings by Alan Crockett, Andrew Ina, Sharon Dougherty, Judy Favret Friday and Michael Halliday from May 15-June 22. www.artaccessgallery.com
Keny Galleries: Lowell Tolstedt: Recent Works – Color Drawings, Goldpoints and Silverpoints and Historic Ohio Still Lifes (1865-1945) from April 12-June 14. www.kenygalleries.com
Hawk Galleries: Sculptures by Toots Zynsky and Harue Shimomoto from April 13-June 2. Predator-Prey by Kari Russell-Pool and Marc Petrovic from May 4-July 28. www.hawkgalleries.com
Frank Museum of Art, Otterbein University: Impulsos Vertiginosos, landscape themes by Isabel Cauas, through May 10. www.otterbein.edu
Fisher Gallery, Oterbein University Roush Hall: Altering Life by Holding it Still: Photographs by Dorothea Lange and Marion Post Wolcott through May 19. www.otterbein.edu
Kaufman Development: Purely Abstract: Painting, Works on Paper, and Photographs by Dennison Griffith, sponsored by Hammond Harkins Galleries, from May 4-31. www.hammondharkins.com
Wexner Center for the Arts: Works by Paul Sietsema and MetroPAL.IS, an installation by Shimon Attie on eight flat-screen monitors arranged in a circle, from May 4-Aug. 4. www.wexarts.org
Decorative Arts Center of Ohio: Gorgeous Threads: A World of Textiles – textiles from Indonesia, South America, Africa and Japan – from May 4-Sept. 1. www.decartsohio.org
Ohio Craft Museum: Best of 2013 – works by Ohio Designer Craftsmen including ceramics, glass, wood, metal, fiber and mixed media – from May 5-June 23. www.ohiocraft.org
Canzani Center Gallery, Columbus College of Art and Design: 134th Annual Student Exhibition from May 10-June 14. www.ccad.edu